F3 | Monaco GP | Qualifying | Minì takes pole position in Monaco

Photo Credit: Prema Racing
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It is time for Formula 3 qualifying in Monaco, with qualifying taking part in two split up sessions of Group A – even car numbers and Group B – odd car numbers. Whichever group grabs a faster provisional pole, will gain pole position and the inside of the track, the slower group starting from the outside of the various rows, with the position they finish their session in deciding which row of the grid they line up on. 

The Trident of Fornaroli was the first on track from Group A followed closely by Ramos and Mini, Sztuka and Shields the only two to remain in pitlane as soon as the green flag was waved. 

Fornaroli set a benchmark time of 1:39.536, Browning setting a 1:26.170 shortly after and overtaking the top spot. 

Sztuka set a respectable 1:27.981 putting him in second. 

Fornaroli reset the fastest lap with a 1:25.963, pushing Browning down a spot. 

Van Hoepen saw his 1:27.581 lap time deleted after a track limits moment at the chicane in turn 10. 

With six minutes remaining the top 4 are separated by less than a second, Browning looking to reclaim provisional pole with 1:24.532 and succeeding in reclaiming provisional pole. 

Mini moves up to 2nd shortly with 2 purple sectors, before that is reclaimed by Fornaroli. Boya then moving up to 3rd and pushing Mini down to 5th. 

Sztuka struggling through Casino Square section, battling his rear, Shields also seen battling his rear tyres, struggling to keep the car straight. 

Browning continues to improve on his own times, making provisional pole seem more likely for him, although Mini is also improving on his times. 

Mini crosses the line with a 1:24.596, Van Hoepen setting a time worthy of 4th with a 1:24.931. 

Goethe struggling to reach the top 6 with a 1:25.061. 

Drivers are now starting the final laps of this session with just over a minute on the clock. 

Boya sets a purple first sector narrowly missing walls, before clipping a wall through the swimming pool section, ending his lap there.

With the checkered flag waved, Browning and Mini are both up on their current laps, as well at Fornaroli. Browning clips the wall through the second part of the swimming pool section, ruining his lap also with a bent steering arm and a damaged rear suspension. Mini crosses the line with a 1:23.942 and sets provisional pole. 

Group A ending with Mini on provisional pole, Browning and Fornaroli just behind him. 

As the green flag waves for Group B, Meguetounif leads the pack out onto the streets of Monte Carlo. 

A yellow flag was waved for sector one, red flag waving shortly after due to Hedley ending up in the wall of turn one and losing his front wing. 

Meguetounif sets the Group B benchmark time of 1:26.098, Beganovic overtaking him for 1st with a 1:25.569. 

Mansell goes up to 2nd with a 1:25.818, Tramnitz following him to 3rd with a 1:26.064. 

Montoya is noted for an unsafe release in pit lane, but no further action is taken. 

Meguetounif and Wurz both have large lock ups into turn 1, with Meguetounif struggling to control the rear, staying in 4th. 

Meguetounif putting it in 2nd with a 1:25.574 after brushing the barrier in the exit of the final corner, Beganovic improving on his already 1st place time with a 1:25.078, knocking almost half a second off his time. 

Lindblad sets a purple sector one and three, crossing the line fastest with a 1:24.940. Loake pushes up into 3rd with a 1:25.443, shortly before Mansell crosses the line 1st with a 1:24.921 for the Australian. 

With three minutes on the clock, the top 4 are separated by roughly four tenths, Mansell holding P1 with Lindblad, Beganovic and Loake just behind him. 

Dunne locks up at turn 1, while Voisin lightly brushes the wall at the second sper of the swimming pool. Flörsch sits in 9th.

A yellow flag waves in sector one, which turns into a red flag shortly after due Montoya and Wurz going off, ruining both Beganovic and Lindblad’s positive looking laps. 

The session will not resume, leaving Minì on pole position for the feature race with Mansell in 2nd, making Group B start on the outside of every row.