Verstappen to face public service work following use of swear word in F1 press conference

Photo Credit: Red Bull Racing
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Max Verstappen will be a busy man at the conclusion of the 2024 season as he faces public service work following comments in the pre-event press conference at the Singapore Grand Prix.

Speaking on Thursday about his forgettable weekend in Baku, the Dutchman used the F-word to describe it.

That did not go down well with the FIA who called him up to the Stewards’ office following FP1, and they came down on the three-time World Champion.

FIA statement:


Obligation to accomplish some work of public interest.


The Stewards heard from the driver of Car 1 (Max Verstappen), team representative and reviewed the audio transcript.

“It is the policy of the FIA to ensure that language used in its public forums, such as press conferences, meets generally accepted standards for all audiences andbroadcasts. In particular this is true of statements made by participants in the World Championships and thus being role models both inside and outside the sport.

“This is clear in the regulations of the FIA and has been reinforced through previous cases prought before the Stewards in Formula One, in particular in Las Vegas in 2023.

“The Stewards reviewed the transcript of the FIA Thursday Driver Press Conferencein Singapore and Max Verstappen, driver of car 1, used language to describe his carat the Event in Azerbaijan which is generally considered “coarse, rude” or may “cause offense” and is not considered suitable for broadcast.

“This is “Misconduct” as defined in Art 20 of the International Sporting Code, and is a breach of Art 12.2.1.k.The Stewards noted that the language was not directed at anyone or any group.

“When summoned to the Stewards the driver explained that the word used is ordinary in speech as he learned it, English not being his native language. While the Stewards accept that this may be true, it is important for role models to learn to be mindful when speaking in public forums, in particular when not under any particular pressure.

“The Stewards note that significant fines have been levied for language offensive to or directed at specific groups. This is not the case here. Verstappen apologised for his behaviour.

“But, as this topic has been raised before and is well known by the competitors, the Stewards determined to order a greater penalty than previously and that Verstappen be “obliged to accomplish some work of public interest”, in coordination with the Secretary General for Sport of the FIA.”