Alpine assures “everyone is working to find the right final regulations” for 2026 F1 cars

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Alpine’s interim boss, Bruno Famin, analyses the relation between chassis and engine in the 2026 technical regulations.

Photo Credit: BWT Alpine F1 Team

It’s no surprise everyone in the business is expecting with excitement the new 2026 regulations, meant to equal as much as possible the competition in Formula 1. One of the key factors of that equal scenario is the perfect balance between chassis and power unit, but in the specific case of the engine, you also have to find a perfect way to connect equally combustion with electronics.

One of the reasons why Audi and Porsche were ready to join motorsport’s premier category was to find that perfect bond between the internal combustion engine and the electrical side of it. In spite of that hope, the initial data provided by the FIA showed that maybe drivers would slow before reaching the end of the straights, needing some downshift gears concerning the extreme battery regeneration.

As far as we know right now, there are no plans to modify that equal power supply, so the teams have to start testing the new generation engines, to be ready and sort out this kind of issues.

Bruno Famin, interim boss of the French brand, says they are in discussions as they look to solve everything.

The French director points out that: “I think we all share the concern.

“We are all working (Formula 1, the FIA, the teams, the PU manufacturers), to find the right final regulation for the cars. I think the energy management, we can still work on that in the coming months. There is no hurry.”

Photo Credit: BWT Alpine F1 Team

“What I have to say is that, now the PU technical regulation has been officialised quite a long time ago, one and a half years ago almost, all the PU manufacturers are working hard.

“They have made already very important choices in terms of the way we want to go, the technology we want to develop.”

Supporting the FIA decisions and plans for 2026 and beyond, Famin said: “Changing now won’t be a good thing. It’s not acceptable, clearly.

“But I’m convinced that we will find a way with the chassis technical regulations to make good cars, a good sport.”