Alpine attempts to sign Carlos Sainz for 2025 F1 season

Photo Credit: BWT Alpine F1 Team
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Pit Debrief has learned that Alpine is trying to hijack Audi and Williams’ hopes of signing Carlos Sainz for next year.

Respected website Motorsport Week had reported late on Thursday that Williams was set to announce a deal with the Spanish driver for 2025 and beyond during the Spanish Grand Prix weekend. However, things changed during the 3 days of on-track running, with Pit Debrief learning that public confirmation was delayed due to the hectic schedule the 29-year-old has at his home Grand Prix.

On Sunday evening, there has been a major twist in this ongoing race for the three-time Grand Prix winner’s services. Following a solid race to P6 earlier today, multiple sources have confirmed to Pit Debrief that the Enstone-based squad is looking to bring Sainz back into the fold.

The current Ferrari driver drove for the team under the Renault name in 2018 after joining in the closing stages of the previous campaign to replace Jolyon Palmer. In his one full season with the squad, he was narrowly beaten by Nico Hulkenberg — they finished 16 points and three places apart in the Drivers’ Championship.

Flavio Briatore was spotted talking to Carlos Sainz Sr. in the Barcelona paddock on Sunday. It turns out that the Italian veteran is looking to secure the services of Sainz Jr. and has spoken to his father about it.

On Friday it was confirmed that Briatore returned to Alpine as an Executive Advisor following the crashgate scandal in 2008, which resulted in him leaving the team in 2009. Initially he was banned from Motorsport for life. That was ultimately overturned.

During his spell there, he led the team to Drivers’ Championship with Michael Schumacher (1994 and 1995) and Fernando Alonso (2005 and 2006).

Briatore was brought back to help the team in various areas, including future engine deals should they become a customer team in 2026. This attempt to get Sainz on board shows how serious he is about helping Alpine return to former glories as they look for a fellow Grand Prix winner to replace Esteban Ocon.

Time will tell what decision the Spaniard comes to as Audi is also continuing to push very hard for his services. He now has three options to choose from for next year.