FIA clubs issues letter backing Ben Sulayem, want legal action for unsubstantiated claims

Photo Credit: FIA
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The president of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile became embroiled in several accusations in early March when an anonymous source reported to the FIA ethics committee that Ben Sulayem tried to intervene in the outcome of the race by influencing the sanction imposed on Fernando Alonso at the 2023 Saudi Arabian GP.

A few days later, another allegation followed when a whistle-blower claimed that the president told officials not to certify the Las Vegas circuit for last year’s race.

However, Ben Sulayem was cleared of all accusations after a”robust and wide-ranging independent review, spanning 30 days, and interviewing 11 witnesses,” according to the FIA.

“After reviewing the results of the inquiries, the Ethics Committee was unanimous in its determination that there was no corroborating evidence to substantiate the allegations of interference of any kind involving FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem,” motorsport’s top governing body said.

Now, a letter from the FIA member Clubs and Sport Federations of the Americas signed by 30 representatives has been published.

It contains six points supporting who has been FIA president since 2021 and assures that legal action will be taken if the accusations against Ben Sulayem continue.

FIA Member Clubs and Sport Federations of America express:

  • That the FIA Ethics Committee, composed of external and independent members, has unanimously issued the report, in which they declare Mr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, President of the FIA, is absolved of the unfounded accusations of interfering in the Formula 1 events held in Saudi Arabia and Las Vegas, in 2023.
  • That the resolution of the Ethics Committee ratifies that the President of the FIA, Mr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, acted honourably, transparently and independently.
  • That accusations of impropriety and unethical practices propagated by some members of the print and digital media were intended for the sole purpose of causing harm to the FIA and its leadership, particularly the President.
  • That the selection of the FIA President is enshrined in the FIA Statutes and is the sole purview of its voting members and is not impacted by those from outside the organization who attempt, for their own self-interest, to intervene.
  • That we will recommend that the FIA initiate legal action against those who, without cause, slander the FIA and its leadership.
  • We endorse and ratify our vote of confidence in support of Mr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, for his stewardship of the FIA and his progress to fulfilling his commitment to transform the FIA in an ethical and transparent manner in order to better serve its members.

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