Leclerc admits he already has “a better feeling” with SF-24 F1 car compared to last season’s SF-23

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In the heart of Italy, at the Fiorano test track, Charles Leclerc, Ferrari’s star driver, has given the motorsport world something to talk about. After a series of laps in the SF-24, Ferrari’s latest creation, Leclerc shared his initial thoughts, signaling a potential turning point for the iconic Scuderia.

“I remember that after the first lap last year, or if it wasn’t the first lap, it was the first three or four laps, I wasn’t really happy with the behaviour of the car.

“The car was very, very difficult to drive. This year the car feels healthier and in a better place,” Leclerc told the media.

Last year, Ferrari faced hurdles with their car, which proved to be a challenge for drivers right from the start. However, the SF-24 seems to rewrite this narrative, exhibiting significant improvements in handling and stability, a stark contrast to its predecessor.

Leclerc’s experience with last year’s car was far from ideal; it was notoriously difficult to drive, dampening the team’s spirits and performance. This year’s model, however, brings a wave of optimism. The SF-24 has imparted a much more positive feeling to Leclerc, suggesting that the team’s hard work over the off-season might be paying off.

Yet, he remains cautious, aware that a good feeling during a shakedown doesn’t necessarily translate to success when they run in Bahrain. The true measure of the SF-24’s capability will be its performance relative to the advancements of rival teams.

“I want to push on the point that this doesn’t mean anything on the competitiveness of the car,” the 26-year-old stated. “Because if other teams have done a bigger steps forward in terms of lap time gains, then it can be an easier car drive but if it’s not fast enough, it won’t be fast enough on-track.

“So in terms of competitiveness, it’s very difficult. In terms of actual feeling of the very first laps, I would say I’ve had a better feeling this year than I did last year.”

Photo Credit: Scuderia Ferrari

Underpinning Ferrari’s development strategy for the SF-24 has been a concentrated effort to enhance drivability, especially at the car’s limit. This goal has not only involved increasing the car’s aerodynamic efficiency but also ensuring it remains responsive and stable under a variety of conditions, such as changing wind directions and track temperatures. Leclerc’s early feedback is promising, indicating that these improvements might give Ferrari the edge they need, though he cautions that it’s too soon for definitive judgments.

Leclerc, along with teammate Carlos Sainz Jr., has emphasized the importance of a more manageable car to the engineering team. Their feedback has been integral to the development of the SF-24, which, in early tests and simulations, has shown promise. Yet, as the 2024 F1 season approaches, the question remains whether these enhancements will translate into the competitive performance necessary to challenge the dominance of the top teams.

Photo Credit: Scuderia Ferrari


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