Mattia Binotto to join Texa as Head of the E-Powertrains programme

Photo credits: Scuderia Ferrari
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A new career path is unfolding for the former Ferrari Team Principal, after his exit from the Italian Scuderia at the beginning of the past season.

The Swiss engineer has joined the Administration Council of Italian company Texa, which focuses on the production of diagnostic systems for cars and trucks.

Binotto will be getting in charge of the new E-Powertrains programme of the outlet, supporting its aim to become an important provider of internal components and machinery in the quest for the electrification of various vehicles at all levels, from supercars to common trucks.

The former director commented the announcement of his signing while also stating the reasons behind his unexpected choice, which comes after rumours had linked him to leading roles in other Formula 1 teams:

“Apart from the agonistic experience, which I have always pursued in my whole life, I was attracted in Texa by the strategical audacity of its project, which aims to build an Italian excellence based on the most advanced technologies for the new mobility.”

Photo Credit: Scuderia Ferrari

“Texa, in fact, intends to set themselves as the technological benchmark at a global level. And this will happen thanks to the deployment of great sources of investments and to the interest in securing the best talents in order to concentrate them in Italy, where there is an extraordinary motoristic culture which has to be preserved, renewed and now also relaunched,” concluded Binotto.

Texa’s Chairman and CEO Bruno Vianello also praised Binotto’s appointment to his inner circle:

“I’m pleased that a top manager like Mattia, who has gained an extraordinary experience in the world of Formula 1, synonym with top-level technology and competitivity, has chosen to enrich Texa’s team with his empowering contribution.

“With the rest of the team of the E-Powertrain division, which features young and enthusiastic engineers, we  aim for an intense development which shall lead us in few years to reach important results in the most precious part of the automotive market.

“It’s a niche in which many great international groups are getting into. Competing with them and facing each other will definitely be enriching. I’m sure Texa will play an important role in relaunching the great Italian tradition of technology for sports cars using the new electric traction, hoping that it could also become a vector for the entire automotive sector in such a particular moment for our Nation,” he ended.