Shanghai E-Prix | FE Race 2 | Da Costa claims victory, Hughes secures first podium, and Nato finishes third

Photo Credit: Formula E | Simon Galloway
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Today was the last chance the drivers had to win in Shanghai. After a heated qualifying session, tensions were high. NEOM McLaren driver Jake Hughes had a great from in the qualifying session, taking pole position. He beat Stoffel Vandoorne by just 0.001s.

Would Hughes be able to score his debut podium or the victory?

Lights out in Shanghai! Hughes, Vandoorne and António Félix Da Costa went wide, but it was Vandoorne who took the lead, while Hughes slid into second. All drivers made it through the first corner without incident.

Photo credits: Formula E | Simon Galloway

There were significant improvements in the field. Andretti driver Norman Nato progressed from seventh to fourth, and Pascal Wehrlein was now in the points in tenth. Wehrlein had a difficult qualifying session, with suspected damage affecting the TAG Heuer Porsche driver. He started the race in 13th.

From the front row, Hughes, Nato and Nyck De Vries activated their first dose of full power. There was great teamwork from Jaguar, as Nick Cassidy went for his first Attack Mode, with Mitch Evans acting as his wingman.

Nato made the lead, Vandoorne just activated his Attack Mode and took the lead back.

Frustrations were coming from Cassidy, who looked to conserve his energy. However, he received orders to take his Attack Mode. This strategy helped him place third in yesterday’s race.

Nato was back in the lead, after creating a slight gap to take his Attack Mode. He slotted in to second and was under attack by Da Costa, but he pushed past Vandoorne.

It was Da Costa’s turn to take the lead as he breezed straight past Hughes and Nato. He held second, while the Jaguars worked together just behind. Cassidy was told that Evans was on the same energy and will hold position behind.

An unlucky moment for Wehrlein, who had to pit after a rear left puncture.

Maximilian Günther was also ready to make his moves and went wheel-to-wheel with De Vries, through the final chicane. Günther took the position from De Vries.

Nato was still in the lead, but was pressured by Da Costa. Hughes was also back in third after moving around the outside of Vandoorne.

With the energy stands, the Jaguars were up 2% on the lead pack. Cassidy gained positions and moved up to fourth, ready to make his impression on the lead.

Da Costa managed his energy well and slipped past Nato, while the Jaguars were coming through. With a fight going on behind him, Da Costa kept going at maximum efficiency. Hughes pushed passed Nato and went into second.

Cassidy needed to watch out after sustaining front wing damage.

The pace picked up, and the Jaguar duo looked ready to attack. Cassidy in fourth and Evans right behind.

In a high-energy track like Shanghai, drivers really needed to manage what they have. Da Costa’s remaining energy and pace should be enough for him to take the win. The Porsche driver was still holding the lead.

Drama in the midfield, as Sam Bird, who made his comeback after an injury to his hand, spun De Vries at the final chicane.

Hughes was visibly working, as he set the fastest lap. He did everything he could, to pull Da Costa back. Both Da Costa and Hughes were at 5% energy, with Hughes getting temperature warnings from the garage.

With no added laps, it was time for the drivers to take their final lap.

Da Costa kept it clean at the front. In control, he went around the corner to cross the finish line first. Hughes followed in second, a debut podium for the NEOM McLaren driver, as Nato took third.